At Aspley 10 Pin Bowl we are proud of how inclusive our venue is for all Australians and we embrace our ability to have People With A Disability (PWAD) play at our centre every day and night of the week.
Aspley 10 Pin Bowl now accept the Companion Card and offer 1 FREE game of bowling to an accompanying carer.
We also offer everyday discounted bowling to all people with a disability when visiting our centre.
Person with a Disability:
1 Game of Bowling | $8.00 Per Person
2 Games of Bowling | $15.00 Per Person
Additional Games | $6.00 Per Person Per Game
Accompanying Carer (WITH Companion Card):
1 Game of Bowling | Free
Additional Games | $8.00
Accompanying Carer (With No Companion Card):
1 Game of Bowling | $8.00 Per Person
2 Games of Bowling | $15.00 Per Person
Additional Games | $6.00 Per Person Per Game
To register your disability organisation, or to make a regular booking,
please give us a call directly on: 3263 8848